GAQM Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification questions and exam summary helps you to get focused on the exam. This guide also helps you to be on CLSSBB exam track to get certified with a good score in the final exam.
The GAQM Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is a professional who can teach Six Sigma conceptions and principles, including supporting systems and tools. A Black Belt should show team leadership, understand team dynamics and assign team member roles and responsibilities. Black Belts have a thorough knowledge of all phases of the DMAIC model following Six Sigma principles.
GAQM Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) Certification Summary
Exam Name: Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Exam Code: CLSSBB
Exam Fee: USD $210
Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of Questions: 150
Passing Score: 75
Format: Multiple Choice
Books: E-Course
Schedule Exam: Book Your Exam
Sample Questions: GAQM CLSSBB Exam Sample Questions and Answers
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GAQM Lean Six Sigma Black Belt(CLSSBB) Certification Exam Syllabus
1. Organizational Roadblocks and Lean Management:
Organizational roadblocks
Resistance Analysis
Overview of all Continuous Improvement approaches
Overview of Lean
Overview of Six Sigma
Lean Management explained — TAKT Time, Cycle Time, PCE, Lead Time, SWIP, Setup time, Changeover time
Lean Tools explained — 5S, Kaizen, SMED, Heijunka
2. Pre-define DMAIC and Define:
A) Pre-define
Pre-define Pre-requisites and Qualifications
Project Prioritization Matrix
Introduction to Enterprise Wide view versus LOB view
B) NPV and IRR
C) Define
Champion’s transfer of project
Team dynamics and facilitation
Project Charter’s role
VOC – CTQ Tree
Kano Model
Quality Function Deployment
Baseline performance of Y
Business Metrics for Y
Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)
Statistical Definition of Six Sigma
3. Measure:
Objectives of Measure Phase
Types of Data and Data Distribution models (Normal, Binomial and Poisson Distribution discussed)
Scales of Data
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Measurement Systems Analysis
Variables GAGE RR
Attribute RR
Stability Check — Importance of Stability
Capability Check — Cp, Cpk, Cpkm explained, How to understand Attribute Capability
Variations, Variability and Capability
Graphical tools to understand Data distribution
Understanding Weibull (2 Parameter, 3 Parameter and Rayleigh) Distribution
Correlating Calculations to Business Measures
Checking Normality of Data (Anderson Darling, Ryan Joiner and Kolmogorov Smirnov)
4. Analyze:
Objectives of Analyze
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
Curvilinear Regression
Fishbone Diagram
Pareto Charts
Demarcating Common Causes and Special Causes
Hypothesis Tests (Parametric and Non-Parametric tests)
Statistical Validation
5. Improve:
Objectives of Improve
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Solutions Prioritization Matrix
Pugh Matrix
Design of Experiments
Introduction to DOE
Basics of DOE
Replication, Randomization and Blocking
Main Effects and Interaction effects
Full factorial experiments
Fractional factorial experiments
Screened Designs
Response Surface Designs
DOE with Regression
DOE with example
6. Control:
Taguchi’s Loss Function
Control Charts (Variable Control Charts and Attribute Control Charts)
Measurement System Re-analysis
Control Plan and Project Storyboard Transfer
Project Closure
Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance
7. Lean Process Improvement:
Understanding Lean
The Toyota Production System
The Toyota Production System House
The Five Critical Improvement Concepts
Understanding Value with the Kano Model
Types of Waste
Creating a Lean Enterprise
Understanding Lean
The Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycle
Using the R-DMAIC-S Model
Lean Thinking Tools
Kaizen Events
Data Gathering and Mapping
GAQM Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) Certification Questions
GAQM Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Sample Questions:
Que.:01. Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) can be classified as Visible Costs and Hidden Costs. Which of these items is a Visible Cost?
a) Lost Customer Loyalty
b) Time Value of Money
c) Returns
d) Late Delivery
Que.:02. For a process having an average throughput of 7,200 units per hour, what is the average Cycle Time per unit in seconds?
a) 2
b) 0.32
c) 0.34
d) 0.42
e) 0.5
Que.:03. Much of the Six Sigma methodology is used to identify and remove causes for _____________ .
a) Process Variation
b) Material Costs
c) Excess Inventory
d) Lost Sales
Que.:04. Control charts and their limits are the?
a) Voice of the employee
b) Voice of the process
c) Voice of the customer
d) Voice of the team
Que.:05. In a Fishbone Diagram the 6M’s stand for Methods, ____________, Machine, Man, Mother Nature and Materials.
a) Measurements
b) Merger
c) Management
d) Medical
Que.:06. A kurtosis of -1,2754 indicates?
a) Platykurtic (flat with a short tail)
b) Leptokurtic (peaked with long tails)
c) Multi-modal (more than one distribution)
d) Kanban Model
Que.:07. Special Cause Variation falls into which two categories?
a) Natural & Unnatural
b) Short Term & Long Term
c) Assignable & Pattern
d) Attribute & Discreet
Que.:08. A two-sample T-test does which of the following?
a) Compares the medians to determine if sample 1 is statistically difference from sample 2
b) Subtracts the mean of sample 1 from sample 2 and compares the difference to zero to determine if they are equal
c) Compares the means to determine if sample 1 is statistically difference from sample 2
d) test of the difference between two population medians
Que.:09. Appropriate measures means that measurements are ______________.
a) Representative
b) Sufficient
c) Contextual
d) Relevant
e) All of these answers are correct
Que.:10. An operator is measuring the distance between two points. Which is most likely to be influenced by the operator?
a) Precision of the measurement
b) Accuracy of the measurement
c) Calibration of the instrument
d) All of these answers are correct
Question: 01 Answer: c
Question: 02 Answer: e
Question: 03 Answer: a
Question: 04 Answer: b
Question: 05 Answer: a
Question: 06 Answer: a
Question: 07 Answer: c
Question: 08 Answer: c
Question: 09 Answer: e
Question: 10 Answer: d
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